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behind the mask

美 [bɪˈhaɪnd ðə mæsk]英 [bɪˈhaɪnd ðə mɑːsk]
  • 网络面具背后;面具之后
behind the maskbehind the mask
  1. IMD students are , they write in a joint paper , called Behind the Mask , a select group not just for their superior achievements and talent , but also for their fragility .


  2. Dark nights , people do not see the face behind the mask


  3. Behind the mask of friendliness , I know he really dislikes me .


  4. We want to see the person behind the mask ! "


  5. First we 'll see who 's behind the mask .


  6. Now , he is working hard to show his Chinese audience the man behind the mask .


  7. And there is the boy behind the mask .


  8. Did you ever feel stuck behind the mask and all the makeup ?


  9. Are you an evil person hiding behind the mask of a gentleman ?


  10. Sam , The Boy Behind the Mask


  11. However , after the hearing the BBC was still refusing to name the man behind the mask .


  12. Through studying the mask theory of Oscar Wilde this thesis attempts to discover the truth behind the mask .


  13. As revealed last month , the man behind the mask is racing driver and former member of the military Ben Collins .


  14. Behind the mask , industrialist Reid Axworthy .


  15. " Behind the Mask " was originally intended for Thriller , but left off reportedly because of a song credit dispute .


  16. Branson : Behind the Mask by Tom Bower , Faber & Faber , £ 20


  17. As amazing as the new version of " Behind the Mask " sounds , for example , it isn 't the version Michael last worked on in the early1980s .


  18. But behind the mask that plastic surgeons had made of his face was a keen brain for wringing cash out of pop music & and for spending it .


  19. As the title imp & # 173 ; lies , Branson : Behind the Mask continues the theme of probing the dissonance between public image and reality .


  20. To be " Machiavellian " came to mean to be a sly schemer , one who hides his evil intentions behind the mask of executive necessity .


  21. In the meantime , songs like " Hollywood Tonight ,"" Monster ,"" Behind the Mask ," and " Much Too Soon " make excellent additions to an already legendary catalog .


  22. Like Hessler , I enjoy slipping into my second identity . I can be goofy and ridiculous . I can be totally at ease behind the mask .


  23. The realism is achieved by a projector positioned behind the mask accurately beaming a human face onto the back of a mask , producing features that can even be seen from the side .


  24. Hemingway 's fiction is sometimes said to express the anxiety of American men about their masculinity . Mr Hendrickson argues that behind the mask of hyper - masculinity lies " tuning-fork tremulousness , " which is why Hemingway 's writing survives , and also why there have been " years of innuendo and psychosexual speculation . "


  25. Now new clues are revealing the man behind the golden mask .


  26. This is where we are going to get our first glimpse of the real Tutankhamen the man behind the golden mask .


  27. It is not as if we cannot see behind the PR mask that obsesses Bower .


  28. Matt Sloan , the good-humored man behind the Plo Koon mask , had no shortage of last lines for the Jedi Master .


  29. Neither mother nor daughter knew that the man behind the catcher 's mask was Army Lieutenant Colonel Will Adams , who has been stationed in Afghanistan for most of the past two years .
